

“A steward makes God’s love visible by imitating Jesus. The more deeply one grows in love for God, the more one grows in heart to see Stewardship as a way of life, a way of love, imitating God's love for us. Stewards see everything good as gifts received from God and they respond in gratitude with the gift of self.” 

- USCCB: Stewardship, A Disciples Response

2025 Stewardship Renewal

Your Gifts of Treasure

Pledge Now!

What is Parish Stewardship Renewal?

This month, we will focus on our commitment to share our Treasure: our financial gifts from God. As we reflect upon what to share, keep in mind to give from a spirit of love and care for one another.


This year our goal is $430,000 in pledges; our goal is to receive responses from 225 households.


Last year we heard from 188 households and pledges totaled $424,951.60. Currently (October 6, 2023) our pledge redemption rate is 72% with over two full months of the calendar year remaining.


Thank you so much for your generous support of our parish!


Watch the video from the Archdiocese of Seattle to learn more about how Stewardship of Treasure helps our community! Use the online pledge form below to get started on your 2024 Stewardship of Treasure pledge!

Pledge Now!

Check Out this Stewardship Video

See if you can spot our parish!


In our busy society, time is one of the most precious possessions we have. No one “owns” time, in fact, each of us is only given a limited amount of it.

Planning a schedule that has a balance of work, rest, play, and prayer is vital to us as physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual beings. How we spend our time is perhaps the clearest indication of our progress in a life of Christian discipleship.

Prayer is one of the best ways to steward our time in recognition that it is a gift. Prayer can be stewarded privately in our personal lives and furthermore as a community.

Click the Learn More button to read through our parish schedule of worship, prayers and devotions, to steward your time through prayer in our local community.


Each of us possess many talents.  Stewardship of talent calls us to search out those talents, nurture them, and share them with others.

To love God with our whole being, we must use these God-given talents for the benefit of others. By stewarding our talents, not only are we loving God with our whole being, but we are also loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Stewardship of talent shows us the way to a spiritual life, a oneness with God through reaching out to others.

Click the Learn More button to read through the  directory of volunteer and ministry opportunities to steward your talent for the benefit of those in our community and beyond!


Stewardship of money or possessions is one of the simplest ways to give back what God has gifted us. Like all good things, our money and material possessions are gifts from God that are meant to be shared. By giving our money to individuals, families in need, the Church, and to other worthwhile charitable organizations, we enrich our soul.

In thanksgiving for God’s gifts, each household at the Proto-Cathedral is encouraged to give proportionately to our income and our blessings. This can be done simply through the Sunday offertory collection. Our Sunday Visitor© mails monthly packets of giving envelopes to all our registered parishioners. Online giving is available too! Please visit our Giving page to make a donation. For more ways to steward your treasure, please contact the Parish Office.

Remember, your parish is the non-profit community that helps you carry out Christ’s mission and truth to the world!

“Sincere love of Jesus can only be      demonstrated in service. Love is the condition and prerequisite of service.”

- Archbishop Etienne, June 7, 2019.

Mass of the Reception

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